Member-only story
Dear Queer ~ Butch or Non-binary?
Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart ~ March 2023

Dear Queer,
Last year I joined a gay women’s support group where half of us are gender fluid. The folks who joined our group as butch lesbians now identify as non-binary. Everyone changed their name and/or pronoun from she to they, except me. I am happy for my compadres expressing their authentic selves- I just feel a little lost now. I present MOC (masculine of center). I feel genderqueer, and at the same time, I wouldn’t give up being a woman for a million dollars. What should I do?
The Last Butch Standing
Dear Last Butch Standing,
Thanks for writing in. You just so happened to have reached another Butch, but for the sake of clarity, you can call me The Last Butch Sitting. :)
When people evolve, it affects those around them. Your friends who are transitioning- as personal a decision as that choice may be- have a direct impact on you. We are constantly in search of deeper meaning about ourselves as we witness the living of another. How are we the same? How are we…