DearQueer ~ Attracted to the Wrong Type? Take the Love Language Quiz

Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart ~ September 2023*

Candra Anaya
5 min readOct 1, 2023
DearQueer Logo art by Danika Corrall


I am currently processing and healing from a divorce, but I have this question for my future mate. I identify as non-binary and trans-masc. I generally play a very protective and caring role in the relationships I’m in. That being said, part of the reason I do that is because I want to receive protection and care, too. I send flowers or gifts to my mates, but I enjoy receiving them also. I have historically been with femme or soft-butch female partners, but I am attracted to all kinds. Have I just been with the wrong people? How do I approach this in the future?


Feeling Vulnerable

Dear Vulnerable,

First, my condolences for your divorce. Even when it’s the right move to make, it is still a challenging process at best. I’m glad to hear you are giving yourself time to process and heal. Your question is quite timely, as I just so happen to be co-authoring the book, The Life-Changing Power of Self-Love. This is written with so much heart, by 22 of us who are exactly like you- ripe from a life-altering event, and who want to share the medicine of what we learned through our own healing…



Candra Anaya

Advice columnist, DearQueer~ Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart. Co-author of bestseller, The Life-Changing Power of Self-Love.