DearQueer~ Dog Park Stalker?

Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart ~ March 2024

Candra Anaya
4 min readMar 13, 2024
DearQueer logo design by Danika Corrall

OMG, DearQueer, I need your advice!

I met this guy this morning at the dog run next to the tennis courts by my apartment complex. We let our dogs play together. He asked for my number so we could have another doggie play date. He seemed normal and our dogs got along great. Since this morning, he has called 5 times, leaving no voicemail any time, and now he is texting. I’m feeling uncomfortable, so I just sent him one text saying, Hey, you seem like a nice guy, but I’ve got to be honest, all the calls/texts make me uncomfortable.

He just texted back asking me, why? Before I could respond, he messaged again and said, I like you.

I am in my forties and the last time I was part of the dating scene, texting wasn’t. I’m not really on social media either. It all feels like another planet to me. Is his behavior normal?


Dog Mom

Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

Hi Dog Mom,

First, I need to underscore what matters most is how someone’s actions leave you feeling. Something could be wildly…



Candra Anaya

Advice columnist, DearQueer~ Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart. Co-author of bestseller, The Life-Changing Power of Self-Love.