Hey Startled Eggs, I hope the long comment you wrote that disappeared is what came through on my end as 8 separate comments. If so, your words were indeed received! As always, I am inspired by your life experiences and your willingness to share them out loud. The only way we can ever learn, grow and evolve is when we have stories to compare ourselves to. For every story you share you give me the opportunity to ask myself what would I do in that situation? I'm so grateful for your willingness to share. Have you heard of Dr. Brene Brown? She gained attention after having a TedX talk about shame and vulnerability go viral. She coined the term "vulnerability hangover" and I love using that term. It's how you feel after you've exposed yourself in a vulnerable way and are awaiting the response from the person you've revealed yourself to. I imagine us both engaging about the topic at hand is ripe for many vulnerability hangovers. This is all to say, PLEASE KEEP GOING! The world needs to hear your voice, and others will continue to be inspired by your honesty. I look forward to reading the other articles you linked and to continuing this conversation.