Woke Season’s Greetings

December 2023

Candra Anaya
2 min readDec 24, 2023

For you, my kindest wishes for a totally inclusive, socially and economically responsible, planet-conscious, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the religion of your liking while respecting the religions of others, or their choice to abandon religious traditions altogether.

I extend these sentiments regardless of age, race, sex, marital status, physical ability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or whether or not you took an online Master Class in 2023.

This offering remains valid regardless of your computer platform, your ability to hold warrior pose in yoga for longer than 60 seconds, and notwithstanding your choice to co-exist with a cat or a bunny.

While remaining utterly unobligated to do so, you are free to accept my best wishes at the exact moment in time most convenient for you. Even if the moon is at perigee, or you reside in an area that practices Daylight Savings Time, because each and every hour is valid and acceptable.

Until next year, I remain respectfully yours,

Candra Anaya

Also known as DearQueer~ Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart *

*Please note that DearQueer took a hiatus for the last quarter of 2023 because of healthcare needs. I will be back with bells on in the New Year!



Candra Anaya

Advice columnist, DearQueer~ Gayly Giving Advice Straight from the Heart. Co-author of bestseller, The Life-Changing Power of Self-Love. https://CandraAnaya.com